Disclosure Log

The Right to Information Act 2009 commenced on 1 July 2009. Documents released under the Act to applicants will be progressively published via our disclosure log.

Our disclosure log provides details of information released in response to non-personal Right to Information requests.

It contains a description of the information released and, where possible, a link to that information.

If you would like access to the documents in the disclosure log, please contact Council.

As documents are made available, this list will be updated to reflect their release.

Reference number Date of Decision Number of pages Topic/information requested

RTI 26

07/12/2015 10 Request for soft copies of original photos of water infringement

RTI 27

0/05/2015 36

Access to Dangerous Goods and Combustible Liquid Licences; Environmental Pollution Reports; Environmental Relevant Activities (ERA's) and documents and reports which maybe of environmental concern relating to Lot 12 SP 136443

RTI 28

12/07/2016 2 Names of persons or businesses who submitted a tender application for the 'Old Mount Isa Town Commons' Lot 3 Survey Plan 222005

RTI 29

12/10/2016 56

Access to documents contained in Mount Isa Water Board File (W4)

RTI 30, 31, 32, 33

09/11/2016 25

Compensation agreement between Capricorn Copper Mine and Mount Isa City Council

RTI 34 14/12/2016 3

Rate charges for clubs in Mount Isa

RTI 35 15/02/2017 92

Rate charge calculation for the Irish Club

RTI 36 22/06/2017 51 Travel expenses for Mayor, Councillors and Council staff including MIETV
RTI 37 01/06/2017 5 List of non-compliant food businesses in Mount Isa - 1 January 2016 - 31 December 2016 
RTI 39 15/11/2017 3 History of land use for Lot 2 SP246463
RTI 40 14/12/2017 15 Witness statement on dog attack in Banks Cres
RTI 38 14/03/2018 45 ERA's in respect of 26-36 Kennedy Street and 14-16 Marian Street
RTI 41 11/06/2018 14 Use if asbestos in buildings at Woolworths supermarket Mount Isa and Mount Isa Police Station
RTI 42 09/08/2018 48 Correspondence relating to the removal of abandoned vehicles, boats, trailers and shipping containers from the Second Avenue council laneway by council
RTI 43 08/10/2018 21 Travel expenses for mayor, councillors and senior council staff and the reasons for such travel
RTI 44 12/12/2018 34 All correspondence relating to an alleged dangerous dog
RTI 45 17/12/2018 5 Full copies of building records relating to a property in Mount Isa
RTI 50 17/04/2020 4 Travel spend for Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councillors, CEO and Senior Staff
RTI 54 31/08/2020 22 Records relating to 163 Barkly Highway
RTI 55 24/11/2020 44 Traffic Management Plan for Woolworths – 2 Miles Street
RTI 57 09/07/2021 32 Overlander Shopping Centre Fire Safety Breaches'
RTI 58 09/07/2021 5 Full copies of Building Records relating to 25 Duchess Road
RTI 63 02/05/2024 3 Access to records of former CEO David Keenan