Conserving water is a high priority for Mount Isa and Camooweal.
Currently, Mount Isa residents are asked to adhere to Level 2 Water Restrictions, and Camooweal residents are asked to adhere to Level 1 Water Restrictions.
We are currently on water restrictions.
Conserving water is a high priority for Mount Isa and Camooweal.
The level 2 water usage restrictions for the Mount Isa City and level 1 for Camooweal Town areas came into effect on midnight 6 July 2017, however they have been in effect since 3 May 2015.
Why do we have restrictions?
They are part of the water conservation strategy to ensure that we adopt sustainable water use practices as part of our normal way of life. Restrictions are introduced in response to a drought or other temporary water shortage events.
The most effective way to reduce water consumption is to introduce water restrictions. Water restrictions theoretically allow the water source to last longer under a variety of usages and drought scenarios.
Restriction levels are subject to change. If in doubt, check with us by calling (07) 4747 3200.
If you breach these restrictions, you could face a Penalty Infringement Notice of $400.
These water restrictions are enforceable by our Local Laws team.