
There are 300 species of mosquito in Australia, but less than 20 represent a significant risk to human health, either as nuisance-biting pests or vectors of disease. Mosquitoes can spread diseases to humans such as Ross River virus, Dengue Fever, Zika virus and Malaria. The best way to control mosquito-borne diseases is to protect yourself from being bitten and prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

Just so you know, we at Council are very aware of the issue, and we’re doing what we can to get rid of these pesky insects. Mount Isa City Council regularly visits mosquito-breeding areas with environmentally safe products. Reports of mosquito infestations and breeding in public areas are always investigated by Council officers and areas are treated where necessary.

Under the Public Health Act, you could be fined by Council if you are breeding mozzies around your home.

Ways to protect yourself

  • Avoid spending time in mosquito-prone areas, especially around dawn and dusk
  • Wear loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing with long sleeves and long trousers
  • Use a personal insect repellent
  • Sleep under a mosquito bed net
  • Screen the windows
  • Use mosquito coils, lanterns and insecticide emanators
  • Switch on the fan, as the airflow produced will keep mosquitoes away.

Japanese Encephalitis

Japanese encephalitis is a mosquito-borne viral disease associated with reproductive losses in pigs and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) in horses and people. Japanese encephalitis is spread by mosquitoes. Waterbirds act as natural reservoirs for the virus, and mosquitoes can spread the virus to people, horses, pigs and other animals. Find out more here.

Reduce your risk of mosquito-borne disease
Dengue Fever
Barmah Forest Virus
Ross River Virus
Qld Health: Mosquito-borne disease
Mosquitoes fact sheet