3.3 Settlement Patterns and Sustainable Growth

3.3.1 Strategic outcomes
  1. Mount Isa will remain the principal urban centre.
  2. The existing urban settlement of Camooweal will be retained.
  3. Future development in Mount Isa will contribute to a high quality development pattern which retains and enhances the quality of life of the City’s diverse and dynamic population.
  4. Mount Isa’s settlement pattern provides adequate land to accommodate projected moderate population growth.
  5. Development achieves a high standard of urban design and liveability.
  6. The attraction and retention of workers that live in Mount Isa is a priority.
  7. Sufficient opportunity for the development of permanent and temporary accommodation for non-resident workers be provided and located such that adverse impacts on existing or adjoining land uses, including rural activities, and sensitive land uses.
  8. Mount Isa provides safe and comfortable environments to live in, work and visit.
  9. Residential areas in Mount Isa:
    1. are primarily low density environments with a focus on retaining and enhancing individual neighbourhood character, amenity and safety; and
    2. support a variety of residential choices through a range and mix of dwelling type, size and location.
  10. Mount Isa’s urban form maximises opportunities for walking and cycling to access community facilities and services, commercial areas and places of employment.
  11. Industrial areas are located appropriately with respect to managing off-site impacts of industry activities and reducing reverse amenity.
  12. Industry best practice water saving methods and technologies and the incorporation of water sensitive urban design principles for new development in urban areas will support water conservation.
  13. Mount Isa’s cultural heritage is preserved and valued.

3.3.2 Element 1 - Growth Management

Specific Outcome 1

Future development will focus on the existing urban area of Mount Isa where the amount of unconstrained and serviced land available for development in the Mount Isa City’s urban zones is adequate to meet expected population and employment growth and demand.

Land Use Strategies

LS 1.1
The Regional activity centres network, as detailed in the North West Regional Plan, is reinforced by the recognition of Mount Isa as the only major regional activity centre in the North West and remains the principal focus of future population growth and development within the City.

LS 1.2
The remaining stages of the Healy Heights subdivision and the land known as the ‘Gliderport’ are acknowledged as the principal areas of future urban residential development in Mount Isa (within the life of the Planning Scheme).

LS 1.3
The Gliderport development may include some local commercial uses.

LS 1.4
The Medium density residential zone accommodates higher density residential development.

LS 1.5
Significant development within Camooweal is not anticipated and will be managed within the provisions of the Township zone.

LS 1.6
Growth occurs predominantly within the Local Government Infrastructure Area as outlined in Schedule 3.

Specific Outcome 2

Development for the purposes of accommodating non-resident workers shall be located such that adverse impacts on existing or adjoining land uses, including rural activities, residential areas and existing infrastructure can be avoided or mitigated.

Land Use Strategies

LS 2.1
The Rural zone is the preferred location for temporary and small scaled non-resident workforce accommodation facilities. However, such uses will be preferred in close proximity to the urban area of Mount Isa.

LS 2.2
Sufficient zoned land for housing is provided in appropriate locations to support the projected non-resident workforce population associated with approved large-scale mining, agriculture, industry or infrastructure projects

Specific Outcome 3

The present extent of rural residential development will remain.

Land Use Strategies

LS 3.1
The Rural residential zone will accommodate expected demand for rural residential development.

3.3.3 Element 2 – Sustainable Urban Activity

Specific Outcome 1

Development is located, designed and managed to:
a. consolidate areas of existing urban development; and
b. maintain and where possible enhance amenity and streetscape quality; and
c. enhance landscape character; and
d. be compatible with other development; and
e. support a safe, accessible and connected urban transport network.

Land Use Strategies

LS 1.1
Development is at a scale, form and density that is consistent with the purpose and overall outcomes of each zone.

Specific Outcome 2

Development will:
a. optimise access to services and facilities for residents and non-residents; and
b. support centre activities and community connectivity.

Land Use Strategies

LS 2.1
Centre activities are focused principally in the Mount Isa Central Business District (CBD).
LS 2.2
The urban area of Mount Isa includes a number of local centres to provide centre activities and services that are smaller in scale and typically service local or neighbourhood catchments.

Specific Outcome 3

The urban form maximises opportunities for walking and cycling.

Land Use Strategies

LS 3.1
New roads are designed to allow for pedestrian and cycle movement.

Specific Outcome 4

Development will ensure Mount Isa’s residential neighbourhoods:
a. reflect a character of openness at street level; and
b. are characterised by typically low-rise structures and appropriate landscaping; and
c. provide a high level of amenity.

Land Use Strategies

LS 4.1
Development within the Low density residential zone will be predominantly dwelling houses.

LS 4.2
Multiple dwellings within the Medium density residential zone are generally up to 8.5m in height and are set back from the street.

LS 4.3
Development will be landscaped utilising species appropriate to Mount Isa’s climate to achieve an attractive streetscape.

LS 4.4
Fencing within residential areas are designed and constructed to present an attractive road frontage and allow for casual surveillance of the street.

LS 4.5
Development of more intense forms of urban activity, including smaller lots will be carefully designed in terms of building size, scale and location so as to be complementary to the existing urban fabric of the surrounding neighbourhood.

LS 4.6
Development in residential areas will provide for a limited variety of non-residential activities (for example, home based businesses) where such uses are compatible with the existing form and function of the area and consistent with existing character and the expectations of residents of the area.

Specific Outcome 5

Development will maintain and provide diversity in housing forms and promote equity in access to housing

Land Use Strategies

LS 5.1
The Medium density residential zone will allow for:
• dwellings in a range of sizes at different densities to maximise choice and affordability across the community;
• adaptable accommodation to suit the needs of residents throughout their lifetime without the need for major adaptation or specialised design; and
• a dwelling mix that allows residents to remain living in their preferred community as they age.

LS 5.2
Residential activities (other than dwelling houses) are encouraged within the Local and Principal Centre Zones to provide housing close to services.

This is subject to ensuring compatibility with centre activities, in particular with respect to retaining or providing centre activities at street level.

Specific Outcome 6

Residential development maximises opportunities for the efficient use of infrastructure and access to a range of services and community facilities.

Land Use Strategies

LS 6.1
The Medium density residential zone, which allows for higher density development, is located predominantly within the inner areas of Mount Isa closer to services offered by the main commercial centre of Mount Isa in the Principal centre zone.

LS 6.2
The lower density residential areas characterised by the Low density residential zone are located predominantly towards the
periphery of the urban area.

LS 6.3
Development for residential activities is supported in areas where full urban trunk infrastructure services can be provided consistent with the intent of Part 4: Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP).

3.3.4 Element 3 - Amenity and Safety

Specific Outcome 1

Development will maintain and enhance the amenity of the local area by avoiding or minimising adverse impacts arising from:
a. noise; and
b. hours of operation; and
c. odour or other air emissions; and
d. anti-social behaviour; and
e. traffic generation; and
f. lighting and signage.

Land Use Strategies

LS 1.1
Amenity will be managed through the various provisions within the zone and use codes.

Specific Outcome 2

Residential development in Mount Isa is located and designed to avoid land subject to contamination, including lead contamination.

Land Use Strategies

LS 2.1
Development of new residential areas such as Healy Heights and ‘Gliderport’ are located south east of the main emission stacks, and generally up wind.

Specific Outcome 3

Development shall ensure that:
a. Industry activity is located away from land uses that are sensitive to, or at risk from, the adverse impacts of industry; and
b. sensitive land uses are separated from uses or areas zoned for activities that have the capacity to generate nuisance noise and emissions to the air, including odour.

Land Use Strategies

LS 3.1
The Low impact industry zone provides for low impact industries that have no impact on sensitive land uses that may be located in close proximity.

LS 3.2
The Low impact industry zone acts as a buffer between residential zones and the Medium Impact Industry Zone.

LS 3.3
The Medium impact industry zone is separated from sensitive land uses and residential areas by the Low impact industry zone. This zone is located primarily to the north of the city near the airport and the sewerage treatment plant and at the southern end of the urban area.

LS 3.4
The Special industry zone (which caters for the highest impact industries) encompasses the power stations and is located to the south of Mount Isa at least two kilometres from any existing or future (‘Gliderport’) residential areas.

Specific Outcome 4

The safety and amenity of Mount Isa is achieved and improved with respect to the impacts of noise and air emissions.

Land Use Strategies

LS 4.1
Development is managed in order to maintain or improve air quality and minimise the effects of adverse noise emissions on the cultural, economic, physical and social wellbeing of people and communities.

Specific Outcome 5

Mount Isa’s people and properties are not exposed to unacceptable risk as a result of landslides, flood hazard and bushfires.

Land Use Strategies

LS 5.1
Areas or risk due to flooding or bushfire are mapped within overlays.

LS 5.2
Development provides for safe and effective access for emergency services access and for evacuation.

LS 5.3
Building design and location protects people and property from natural hazards.

LS 5.4
Development does not increase natural hazard risk to other properties.

LS 5.5
Development will not occur in high risk areas where the natural hazard risk is unacceptable.

LS 5.6
In natural hazard areas where the risk is acceptable, development may occur but only when it mitigates the risk through appropriate built form or the incorporation of environmentally sensitive site management measures.

LS 5.7
Development on sloping properties must consider and address landslide risk.

LS 5.8
Development accords with land use provisions and assessment criteria intended to meet particular risks from natural hazards.

LS 5.9
Development manages stormwater flows to protect the safety of landowners and others.

3.3.5 Element 4 – Cultural Heritage

Specific Outcome 1

Places of cultural heritage significance are:
a. identified and acknowledged; and
b. protected from any adverse impacts from development.

Land Use Strategies

LS 1.1
Places of cultural heritage (other than those of Aboriginal cultural heritage) are identified within Schedule 6.3 Local heritage place planning scheme policy and Heritage overlay.

LS 1.2
Heritage places are retained and protected.

LS 1.3
Development does not undermine heritage values and access.

LS 1.4
Development on adjoining properties (as identified by Heritage Overlay Maps 1 to 4 (OM-H-01 to OM-H-04) is compatible with the values of the heritage place.