Online Database of Historical Images for Mount Isa’s Centennial Year
Published on 07 July 2022
The Mount Isa City Library will have an online database of local historical images that should be up and running by the city’s 100th birthday in February 2023, thanks to $24,000 in funding received from the Queensland Government’s 2022 Public Library Strategic Priorities Grants program.
The Library will use the funding to implement the Recollect image database platform, which will enable historical images of Mount Isa to be made freely available online for anyone to view.
“The Recollect image database platform will enable Mount Isa City Library to showcase our historical photographs to the public digitally, while keeping the delicate originals safe,” Library Services Coordinator Lois Huston said.
“It will be a permanent online collection, searchable, and contain not only photographs, but also historic maps, videos and oral histories.
“The platform is very user-friendly, and community members can also donate digital copies of their own historical photographs, while keeping their originals.”
The Library will soon begin the 12-week implementation process, designing the system to suit the community and beginning to upload the photographs. After the implementation period is over, the Library will be asking for members of the public who would like to be beta testers to volunteer to help scan images and upload them into the system.
The Mount Isa Recollect database is expected to be officially launched on February 23, 2023 – Mount Isa’s 100th birthday – as part of the Mount Isa 100 Years Celebrations.
Mayor Danielle Slade said she was delighted the City Library will have the online database of images, which will help people to view rarely seen images of Mount Isa’s past and better appreciate its history.
“There are thousands of historical photographs and documents in the City’s Library’s Historical Collection showing the establishment of the town and mine since 1923,” Cr Slade said.
“With this database, not only can we preserve these important documents by keeping a copy of them online for anyone to access at any time for free, but we can also safely store the originals.
“I hope that when the Library puts the call out for volunteers to help scan the images into the system, we will see heaps of local residents put their hand up to help digitise these important snapshots of Mount Isa’s history. I want to thank the Queensland Government for making this online database initiative possible.”
Proudly funded and supported by the Queensland Government and State Library of Queensland.